160 GK
160 GKグランドピアノは、5’3の見かけの大きさをはるかに超えた存在感を示している。イタリアピアノの特徴である、明るく、また完全な音色の明瞭さがあり、歌うように音を奏でる。160は最高の197よりも大きいが、197同様の優れた仕上げが施されており、欧州のコンポーネントも特徴的。
Length | 5’3″ |
Weight | 616 lbs |
Soundboard | Cierca from the Val di Fiemme. Tapered to produce the most pleasant sound from each string. |
Keyboard | The Keyboard is a full 88-key, spanning 7 1/4 octaves. |
Pedals | 3: Una Corda, Sostenudo, Sustain |
Ribs | Long seasoned woods, chosen for their durability and resiliance. |
Frame | A traditional grey-cast iron frame is manufactured from a single block for maximum stability and resistance to stress. High-tech, precision tools are used to align tuning pins, hitch pins, and strings creating consistency and superior tunability. |
Rim | Hard beech inner and outer core help produce the uniquely Italian singing tones of the Piano. |
Posts | Laminated full-back frame. |
Bridge | Laminated hard beech |
Pinblock | Delignit pin-block is constructed of 15-ply beech. |
Tuning Pins | Klinke double nickle plated pins. |
Strings | Strings are made with premium Roslau steel and Degen copper. |
Action | Stuttgart Renner |
Hammers | Renner, Mahogany |
Finishes | High Polished Ebony
Mahogany Feather Mahogany Briar |
(c) 2025 Pacey's Pianos. All rights reserved.